
Листопад, 2023
"Ukrainian Fairy-tales"
Відкритий урок в 4-Б класі
з використанням STEM технології 
(cтворювали 3d зображення до тексту)

Листопад, 2023
"R. Burns - the famous poet of Scotland"
(Література Британії - 10-Б)

жовтень, 2023

Вивчаємо англійську через культуру Британії
6-Б клас

Відкритий урок в 9-Б класі
"Global issues" 

"Jobs and Professions"
2-A клас

"Гармонія в природі"
2-а клас

Планування уроків на освітній платформі Padlet
за темою "FOOD"

31.10.2019 року
Today students of the 6-B form created the atmosphere of Fun and Jokes, celebrating a traditional English festival. Thanks! You were really great!!!

08.10.2019 року

Сьогодні учні 2-А класу радо приймали гостей (вчителів області) і разом подорожували до Лондону

T: - Good morning, children!

Ch: - Good morning, teacher!

T: - I’m glad to see you!

Ch: - I’m glad to see you, too!

T: - Sit down, please. How are you today?

Ch: - I’m fantastic!......

T: - Today we are going to travel to London.

      Let’s look through the window. What is the weather like today?

-        Is it sunny? – No, it is not.

-        Is it windy? – Yes, it is.

-        Is it cold? – Yes, it is.

-        Is it snowy? – No, it is not.

-        Is it rainy? – No, it is not.

T: - Дуже часто восени іде дощ. Він може завадити нашій подорожі ( картка Дощик). Lets try to drive the clouds away. Stand up and let’s sing a song.

                   ( a songRain”)

Тепер вже нічого не завадить нашій подорожі.

(В куточку чути, як плаче дівчинка)

T: - Who is crying over there? What’s your name?

P: - My name is Polina.

T: - Come up to me, please. Nice to meet you. Poor girl! Why are you crying?

P: - Oh, I’m so unhappy! I haven’t got friends….

T: - Don’t cry, please. Look! There are many boys and girls here. They are very friendly!  Do you like to travel?

P: - Yes, I do! I like to travel very much!

T: - Polina, join us. We are going to travel to Great Britain.

     Children, let’s ask Polina to join us.

Children: - Do you want to learn with us?

                    Do you want to play with us?

                    Do you want to sing with us?

                    Come on! Get on the bus!

                    It’s a funny London bus.

                    We’re friendly! Join us!

Polina: - Thanks. Im so happy!

         ( приєднується до дітей)

T: - Коли люди подорожують, вони завжди пакують валізу. I have got a rucksack. Let’s see what we can take with us.

(  Cards) 1) Хорове повторення ( a map, a passport, a    cap….);

                2) Game “Появлення(учні здогадуються, яка картка зявляється) - What’s this?

                3) Let’s count how many things we have got.

(кожен отримує малюнок і називає номер.)

                4) Now let’s pack our rucksack.

Come up to me and say what you have got.

(діти пакують валізу,промовляючи фразу I have got …..)

T: - Thank you, children. We are ready to travel. Get on the bus and let’s go to London.


Подорожуючи, звертайте увагу на різні деталі.

(перегляд відео)

T: - Поїздка була довга і ми трішки втомились.

      Stand up and let’s do morning exercises.

                                      Hands up!

Hands down!.........


Children! Do you like London? Let’s  check your memory:

-        What’s the capital of Great Britain? - (London)

-        What colour is the telephone box in London? – (Red)

-        What is the famous clock in London? – (Big Ben)

-        Who is the queen of Great Britain? – (Elizabeth)

-        What is the popular transport in London? – (a red bus)


Children! Our travelling was fantastic! But it’s high time to go home. Get on the bus and let’s go to Ukraine.

(Song “The wheels on the bus …”)

" Charity for Children "
Чому мільйони людей по всьому світу об'єднуються, щоб творити добро? 
На уроці англійської мови в 5-Б класі обговорювали важливу тему благодійності. В результаті учні розробили проекти про благодійні організації в Україні. 
Навчаємось добру та милосердю на уроках англійської мови!
( 20 лютого 2019 р.)

На данном изображении может находиться: 13 человек, в том числе Святослав Герасімов, люди улыбаются, люди стоят

Нет описания фото.

На данном изображении может находиться: 1 человек

Управління освіти Кіровоградської міської ради
Центр методичної та соціально-психологічної служби

спеціалізований загальноосвітній  навчальний заклад –
І-ІІІ ступенів –
дошкільний навчальний заклад –
центр естетичного виховання”
Кіровоградської міської ради Кіровоградської області.
Кафедра іноземних мов

                                                       План-конспект уроку в 1 класi по темі:

Let’s Play
(My Toys)

                                                                                                                       Bчитель англійської мови
                                                                      Красова О.Г.
2018 - 2019 н. р.
LESSON TIME: 35 minutes
TARGET LANGUAGE: Is it a  …… ? Yes, it is / No, it isn’t.

Learning objectives:
By the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:
name  the toys, ask and answer about  the  toys.

Concept: Toys
Recycled language: dog, duck, puppet, car, teddy-bear, balloon, cat, robot, doll. Is it a …. .Yes, it is/ No, it isn’t,
Language support materials: picture cards - a dog, a duck, a puppet, a car, a teddy-bear, a balloon, a cat, a robot, a doll.
Materials: flashcards (toys), CD ” Hello song” ,“Hokey Pokey Shake” and “What is it?”.

Teacher’s activity
Learner’s activity
Stage aim

2 mins
Greet the learners by  singing : “Hello! How are you today?”.
-Say “Hello” to your classmate.”
Say “Hello” with hand in hand
-Say”Hello”  clap with your clap”
-Say”Hello”  and smile.
-Say”Hello”  to our guests.
-Welcome to our lesson.

Children sing the song and dance.

Pupils return face to face and say “Hello”.
Whole class

To build rapport and get learners thinking in English.
Warming up
3 mins
T.: Make the circle.
T: Hello? (I show  the puppet to children and they answer:
“ Hello!”
Puppet: How are you today?
Children: I’m fantastic!...
Activity “Mingle-Mingle”
-         Let’s play Mingle- Mingle and ask and answer: “What’s your name”(my name’s… .)
How are you today?( I’m happy)

T.: Take your places.
Activity “What’s this?”
The teacher shows the pictures and ask children.
T.: What’s this? (It’s a doll).

Pupils answer for the puppet’s questions.

Pupils move around the classroom and reply “Mingle”. When pupils hear the number, they make groups of four (three/ two). They ask and answer each other in the group.

Children describe the pictures.

Whole class


To remember the toys

To develop speaking skills.

To develop listening skills
Presentation activity
20 mins

-         Watch the video and answer
“ What’s the present for Tim?”
-         Yes. It’s a robot.
-         A have got a smile: “ Yes, it is” and “No, it isn’t”.
-         What’s the name of this smile?
(Yes, it is).
-         What’s the name of this smile?
( No, it isn’t)
The teacher shows the smiles and the pupils repeat two times.
Activity “Smiles”
( I show pictures and students answer)
T.: Is it a plane? (Yes, it is).
Show the plane. It says:”woosh”.
Ps.: Is it a plane? (No, it isn’t).
T.: Is it a robot?
Ps.: No, it isn’t. It’s a car.
T.: It says: “ broom’’.
T.: Is it a puppet?
Ps.: No, it isn’t. It’s a teddy.
T.: It says: “ hug’’.
T.: Is it a balloon?
Ps.: Yes, it is.
T.: It says: “pop’’.

Activity “ Sing the song :
”What is it?””.
T.:Make a circle and sing the song.

T: Open your work books. Match the pictures with your pencil.
T.:Is it a balloon?( robot, teddy-bear, car( Yes, it is/ No, it isn’t).
T.: Open your work books and complete the pictures.

T.: Turn to your partner ask and answer about the pictures in your work book.
Children watch the video about  Tim’s present and answer  the question.

Children repeat ”woosh” and show the way a plane moves.

Children repeat ” broom” and show the way the driver of the car drives.

Children repeat ” hug” and hug themselves.

Children repeat ” pop” and show that balloon pops.

Children sing the song in the circle and show the toys.

Students match the pictures and answer the teacher’s questions.

Pupils complete the pictures with the pencils.
Pupils work in pairs asking questions” Is it a plane? Yes, it is/No it isn’t.”

Whole class


Whole class


To develop listening and speaking skills.

To develop writing skills

To develop speaking skills.

3 mins
“The Hocky Pocky Shake”
Children sing and dance in the circle  .
Whole class

5 mins
Activity:  “ Guess”
Teacher has flashcards ( toys).
-Let’s play the game “Guess”!
Ask me: Is it a dog?
 I’ll tell you: Yes, it is or No, it isn’t.

If you have guessed the toy, come up to me and be a teacher.
Children ask the questions.

The student looks at the toy and ask other children.

To develop speaking skills.

Close activity
5 mins
Activity “ Smiles”

The lesson summary: pupils express their feelings and the teacher sums up their work.
Whole class

To develop speaking skills.

Відео -урок по підготовці до ЗНО 
( написання листа-поради )

            Тема уроку: «Вільний час. Розваги»

практична – тренувати учнів вживати лексику на тему « Вільний               час. Розваги», складати короткі повідомлення та діалоги за темою, тренувати вживання модальних дієслів в реченнях;

виховна – виховувати чесність, порядність та гарні манери;

розвиваюча - розвивати память, увагу, здогадку ,логічне мислення, вміння правильно і чітко реагувати на запитання.

           Обладнаннямультимедійна дошка, слайди для презентації, відеофільм “A Perfect Day”, роздатковий матеріал, аркуш ватману для проектної роботи, клей, домашні учнівські заготовки.
                                                                                                                                    І. Org. moment. Greeting.
1. Brainstorming: oбговорення прислів’я з метою дізнання теми уроку.
               Слайд 1 : All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
T: - Look at the proverb and give me your ideas.
P1: - It’s bad for our health to work only.
P2: - A person becomes uninteresting if he only works but doesn’t spend time with his friends.
P3: - If we have a good rest, we’ll work better then.
P4: - We should visit art galleries, theatres, museums, cinemas, performances to enrich ourselves.
P5: - People have to set aside some time for their children, relatives and friends. These are the most important things in the world.
P6: - There is a Russian proverb with the same meaning: “Делу время потехе час”. I agree with it completely.
P7: - People are not robots or working machines. They should have holidays and weekends to restore their forces.
P8: - It’s very good to work and earn money. But we earn to spend.
P9: - A tired worker is a bad worker. He doesn’t have any fresh and bright ideas. He can’t be creative and energetic.
P10: - We can’t make our outlook wider without reading books, watching films, visiting exhibitions or travelling… It’s not enough to work only.
T: - Good ideas.
II. The Main BodyAs you see, today we‘re going to speak about free time activities, places of entertainment, hobbies and so on…
Слайд 2: Definitions
1.    Give me the definitions of the following statements:
a)    a funny place, where you can enjoy clowns, acrobats and animals (circus);
b)    a place, where you can watch art masterpieces of famous talented people ( art gallery);
c)     a place, where you can watch movies in the darkness (cinema);
d)    a place, where you mustn’t touch the exhibits (museum);
e)    a place, where plays can be performed (theatre);
f)      a place, where you can feel yourself a real football fan (stadium);
g)    a place, where people can walk and enjoy merry-go-rounds (park);
h)    a place, where you can spend time with friends drinking or eating something (café or restaurant);
i)       a place, where you can develop your physical abilities (gym);
j)       a place, where you can enjoy classical music (orchestral performance).

2.    T: - What do you prefer doing if you want:
a)    to have a relaxing morning;
b)    to have a lot of fun;
c)     to have a cheerful day;
d)    to be around a lot of people;
e)    to have a romantic time;
f)      to be moved to tears;
g)    to enjoy your favourite music;
h)    to learn more about your city.
( ex. If I want to have a relaxing morning, I prefer staying at home).

3.    Слайд 3:     What are these people going to do? Why? Prove .
Слайд 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
(Ex. This man is going to have a fancy-dress party. I think so, because he is wearing a costume of a superman: a blue suit, brown boots and a yellow belt).
4.    Pair Work.  Put these words in the correct order and make up a dialogue.

-         Good evening, Globe Restaurant. How can I help you?
-         Hello, I’d like to book a table for Friday night, please.
-         What name, please?
-         Donovan.
-         How many people is the booking for?
-         Six.
-         Fine. And what time would you like to eat?
-         At 7 p.m.
-           Excuse me, waiter.
-         Yes, madam. What seems to be the problem?
-         This soup is cold. I can’t eat it.
-         I’m terribly sorry, madam. I’ll replace it at once.
-         Actually, I think I’d rather have something else.
-  Of course, madam. What would you like?
-  I’ll have some salad.
-  Certainly.
-         Are you busy tonight?
-         No, I’m not. Why?
-         Do you fancy going to the rock concert with me? My favourite group is coming.
-         I’m very sorry, but I can’t. You know, I hate hard rock. It makes me feel aggressive and depressed.
-         I see. I’ll invite Bob then. He is crazy about hard rock.
-         OK. Bye.
-         Why are you so nervous?
-         Oh, don’t ask me. I’m so tired. I had a terrible talk with my boss.
-         Take it easy, my dear. Problems come and go away then.
-         God knows, maybe you’re right.
-         Let’s go to the river at weekend. You should enjoy the beauty of nature.
-         With great pleasure.

-         How was the play last night, Mark?
-         Well, the acting was great! I’ve never see Shakespeare played so well!
-         As for me, I think Shakespeare is so boring.
-         So did the people who sat behind me last night. They chatted constantly!
-         What did you do?
-         I just turned around a couple of times and glared at them.
-         Did that make any difference?
-         No! People like that shouldn’t be allowed to go to performances.
5.    Thanks. There was an unpleasant situation in the last dialogue.
I’m sure, people should behave themselves and follow public rules.
Слайд 9:
  Let’s look at the Youth Hostel Rules. Tell me what you must or mustn’t do living at this hostel.

6.    Now you will write your own rules for different public places:
at school, at the Zoo, at the theatre, at the restaurant and at the cinema.
Work in pairs. Some students will write on the blackboard.
Слайд 10: At school (2 students are working at the blackboard).
Let’s listen to your rules.
Слайд 11, 12, 13, 14.

7.    You have just used MUST/ MUSTN’T . Let’s use all modals you know.
Слайд 15: Modals
Students read sentences loudly and fill in modals on the blackboard.
8.    Listening. Now you’ll watch the video. The title of this film is               “A Perfect Day”.
a) What do you think it is about? (pre-listening task)
(- Maybe it is about an ideal holiday.
 - Maybe it is about a nice weekend.)
b) (роздатковий матеріал) Repeat after me these phrases:
go punting;
tell the truth;
to have a picnic;
nothing special;
to look forward to;
to wash the car;
boring Sunday.

c) (while-listening task) Pay attention to these phrases. Now watch this film and be ready to mention all free time activities.
The film.
(activities: washing the car, having a picnic, making sandwiches, going boating, …)
d) Cлайд 16: Look at the phrases and give synonyms from the film:
(post-listening task)
go boating – go punting;
never tell lies – tell the truth;
to have lunch at the river – to have a picnic;
nothing interesting – nothing special;
to want very much – to look forward to;
to wash the vehicle – to wash the car;
dull weekend – boring Sunday.

e) Answer my questions (post-list task):
 - Where was Helen going from? ( from the gym)
 - What was Simon doing? (He was washing the car)
 - What did he suggest Helen? (to go punting)
 - Who was on the sofa? (Matt)
 - What did Jane proposed to do to her friends? (to have a picnic)
 -  What was Matt going to buy for a picnic? ( something to drink)
 - Who was responsible for sandwiches? ( Jane)
 - How much did it take them to get to the river? (10 minutes )
 - What did the friends see in the river? (a boat)
 - Were they surprised? Why? (The boat was empty and the bags  looked just like Helen’s)
f) What’s the idea of this story?
 - Always tell the truth. (“What is done by night appears by day”)
9.   Слайд 16: project “Free Time Activities Map”
Your task was to bring a picture of your favourite free time activity. Now you’ll make “a free time activities map”. You will say some words about your hobby, glue the picture on the sheet of paper and some of you will make a survey of the results.
(playing football, playing basketball, listening to music, drawing, searching the net, reading books, dancing, rollerblading, watching films, going out.)
(ex. To sum up, I can say that 50% of students spend their time actively. Another 50% prefer passive free time activities.)
III. Conclusion
Now I see that you’re interested not only in doing your hometask. You have interesting hobbies and favourite free time activities. I’m sure it is good because ……………
cлайд 17: (хором читают пословицу): “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”.
H/t: to retell the film “A Perfect Day”


                    Відкритий урок в дошкільному відділенні 
за темою "Animals" 
       - міський семінар вчителів англійської мови .


Відкритий урок для міського семінару молодих спеціалістів
в 4 класі
"Countries and Nationalities"

І. Вступна частина
        1. Greetings. Introducing the topic of the lesson
Teacher: Good morning .I am glad to see you. How are you?
Now, let us start our lesson.
Watch the video and guess what our lesson is about.
         ( Video “Hello to all the children of the world”)
    Student: Our lesson is about countries, people and nationalities…

Yes, you’re right. Today we are speaking about countries and nationalities.

( Slide 1 “Countries and Nationalities”)

People of different nationalities live in different countries. They speak different languages. We are different but we should be friendly and respect each other.

        2. Conversational warming-up
Teacher:  What country is the best for you?
Student: Ukraine is the best country, because it is our motherland.
Teacher: I agree with you. Let us see what you know about our motherland.
Questions: 1. What is the name of our country?
               2. Can you spell the word “Ukraine”?
               3. What is the capital of Ukraine?
               4. What colour is the flag of Ukraine?
               5. People of what nationality live in Ukraine?
І. Основна частина
        1. Phonetic exercise
          Teacher: I see that you know much about Ukraine. Let’s start speaking about other countries of the world. But first, let us pronounce some sounds and words correctly:

  i:        Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Greece
               She is Japanese. She can’t speak Portuguese.

 d         Germany ,German, Egypt, Egyptian,         Japan, Japanese
               Egyptian and Japanese went to France to eat cheese.

 s          Spain, Spanish, south, west
               Spanish people live in Spain. Simon visits Spain again.

  r        America, American, Ukraine, Ukrainian, Greece, Greek, Russia, Russian
              East or West, Ukraine is the best.

        2. Vocabulary
        a) Vocabulary revision
        Teacher: Now let’s revise the names of some countries and the nationalities.
 (Slide 2)

         b)”Destribution” (Smart exercise)

        Teacher: Now let’s check your memory. Look at the presentation and complete the sentences.
c) Task “What Nationality are they?” (Powerpoint presentation)

        c) Test “Countries and Nationalities”
        Teacher: How clever you are! You did the task well. I think it’s time to have a short test. Your task is to choose the correct answer and to read the sentences.

(Smart Test)

        3. Reading
        a) Pre-reading task
        Teacher: Unfortunately, we can’t visit all the countries of the world. But nowadays we have a good chance to meet new friends from other countries. Look at the picture and tell me where we can do it. (Slide “International Camp”)

Right you are! We can meet new friends in an international camp.       
 b) While-reading task
        Teacher: Now let’s  read a letter from Anna, who is in the camp now. Read the text and, while reading, match the children in the photos to their names according to their descriptions.
Dear Roman,
Hi! How are you?  Greetings from Poland!  I am in an international camp now. It’s a great camp and I live in a nice big room with a girl from France. There are a lot of children from different countries here.
 I’ve got some new friends. One of them is called Marco. He is fourteen years old and he’s from Italy. So, he is Italian. He is tall and slim. Marco is very kind and friendly and he loves animals. His hobby is swimming. He’s a nice friend.
Lin is from Japan. She is Japanese. She is eleven years old. Lin is very nice. She enjoys singing. I like her very much!
Paul comes from the UK. He lives in London. He is very clever. His hobby is playing tennis as he wants to be healthy. Paul is nine years old, just like me, so he is my best friend.
As you see, I have friends from all over the world. It’s fun to be in the camp. That’s all for now. See you soon.
Best wishes,

        c) After-reading task
        Teacher: Now,  fill in the chart and be ready to speak about Anna’s friends.


        Thank you ever so much! You did a good job!

        4. Speaking
        a) Work in pairs
        Teacher: Let us imagine that we are in an international camp now. You come from different countries and you want to make friends. By asking questions find out the information about your friend and tell them about you.
Questions: 1. What is your name?
                 2. How old are you?
                 3. Where are you from?
                 4. What nationality are you?
                 5. What is your favourite day?

Your friend
Favourite day

Your friend
Favourite day
Your friend
Favourite day

Your friend
The UK
Favourite day

Your friend
Favourite day
Your friend
Favourite day

Your friend
Favourite day
Your friend
Favourite day

Your friend
Favourite day

Your friend
Favourite day
b) Short monological reports
Teacher: You have new friends now. Introduce them to us, please.
Student: Fatma is my friend. She is 10 years old. She is from Turkey. She is Turkish. Her favourite day is Friday.

  5. Listening
 a) Pre-listening task
 Teacher: Now you have friends from different countries. You can visit them. These are the maps of their countries. Let us write the names of the countries on your maps. Listen and write .

(The maps of the countries)

 b) While-listening task
 Teacher: But how can we go to another country, if we do not know about the weather there. Let us listen to the Weather Report and see what the weather is like in these countries. While listening, mark the weather on your maps.
Let’s listen.
(the Weather Report)

        c) After-listening task
        Teacher: What was the weather like in Canada? What was the weather like in Mexico? What was the weather like in England? What was the weather like in France?
6. Writing. Project
Teacher: Now we know that the weather is foggy in England and rainy in France. Let’s work in groups. I give the map of England to the first group and the map of France to the second one. I also give you some questions and some words. Read the questions and words and write about the country. After that, be ready to present your project.
Questions: 1. What is the name of our country?
                  2. What is the capital of France / England?
                  3. What colour is the flag of France / England?
                  4. What language do people speak?
                  5. What is the weather like in France / England?
І. Заключна частина
        The results of the lesson. Home task
Teacher: I hope you understand now that all the countries of the world are beautiful and all nationalities are wonderful. We should respect each other. Let’s sing a song about it.

( Final song “ Our World”)
Our World
Our world is full of different places,
Different people, different faces.
North and South and East and West –
Where’s the place you like best?
Tall, fat, short or thin,
Different colour hair, eyes and skin,
Men, women, boys or girls –
We are people of the same world

. Your home task will be to learn the names of the countries for dictation. Today you worked really hard. Your marks are high. Thank you for your work. Good bye!

Тема: «Подорожі»

Клас: 11-А

Цілі уроку
Практичні:  активізувати вживання лексики за темою «Подорожі»,
                       вдосконалювати комунікативні компетенції учнів, 
                       навички аудіювання, читання і говоріння.
Розвиваючі: розвивати творчі здібності учнів, пам’ять , логічне    
                         мислення, увагу, розвивати уяву та вміння послідовно
                         викладати думки іноземною мовою, використовуючи
                         аргументацію висловлювати відношення до предмету
Виховні:         виховувати інтерес до подорожей, виховувати усвідом-
                        лення  необхідності пізнання нового.     
Освітні:         розширювати лінгвокраїнознавчий інтерес учнів, підви-
                       щувати мотивацію вивчення англійської мови.

підручник Wishes (B2.1), мотиваційне відео, аудіо запис діалогу,
мультимедійна дошка, презентації учнів, слайди з цитатами,
роздрукований текст, завдання на картках, відео-інтервю та два
аркуші паперу А3 для захисту групових презентацій.

І. Початок уроку. Привітання. Оргмомент.
1). Перегляд відео для встановлення теми уроку.
- Let’s watch the video to understand what our lesson is devoted to.
(Мотиваційне відео «Подорожі»)
(Учні припускають, що тема уроку є «Подорожі»).
2). Warming-up. Обговорення цитат відомих людей.
- A lot of famous people expressed their ideas about travelling. Let’s read the quotations and explain them:
а)  The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.
S. Augustine
б) One’s destination is never a place but a new way of seeing things.
H. Miller
в) People travel to faraway places to watch, in fascination, the kind of people they ignore at home.
D. Runes
(Учні читають цитату і пояснюють, як розуміють її)

II.   Основна частина уроку.
1.    Розвиток навичок аудіювання.
Pre-listening task.  - We have discussed three quotes. What reasons for travelling did these famous people have?
( a wish to understand different cultures, to broaden outlook, to make life more interesting…)
While-listening task.   - Let’s watch the video in which people tell us about their reasons for travelling. Use Card 1 and put ticks near the reason you will hear.
Post-listening task.
-         Why do you like travelling? Answer and listen to each other.
(Учні дають відповідь, а потім називають причини подорожування своїх одногрупників, перевіряючи власну увагу.)

2.    Розвиток навичок діалогічного мовлення:

а).  - Sometimes people have an unpleasant holidays experience . Tell me why travelling can be unpleasant.
( … bad weather, unfriendly people, inconsistency between reality and something you hoped for…)

б).  - Now listen to Mark and Sue discussing their holidays. Use Card 2 and mark the sentences M (for Mark) and S (for Sue).
What happened to Mark?

в). Work in pairs.   - Make up dialogues about a holiday you have been on where everything went wrong. Use my short situations:
 - bad weather;
 - unfriendly people;
 - a dirty hotel;
 - stolen money;
 - food poisoning.
Feedback: What happened to them?

3.    Розвиток навичок читання.
        Pre-reading task.  Use Card 3. Look at the title of the text and predict        what it is about.  (“Travel. You’ll never regret.”)
While-reading task.  Read the text and be ready to find an interesting proverb. (If you don’t travel, you’ll become a mere frog in the well.) (Учні пояснюють, як вони розуміють прислів’я.)
Post-reading task.  
-         give synonyms to the words in bold:
travelling, dangerous, pleasure, to consider, to broaden, a well,        a chance, to appear, informed, to understand, to undertake;

-         match two parts of the sentences using Smart Board;
-         answer the following questions:
a). What has travelling become today?
b). What will it broaden?
c). What can travelling reduce?
d). Why do people love adventure of travel?
e). What way of travelling do some people prefer?

4.    Розвиток навичок говоріння.

а).  - You were devided into two groups. You have been working at projects about alternative ways of travelling for a week. Let’s listen to your presentations.
(Захист групових проектів “Hitchhiking” та “Couchsurfing”);
б). Group work.
 -  As I see, you have different attitude to travelling. Raise your hand if you don’t like it. Raise your hand if you don’t mind travelling.
(Залежно від відповідей, учні діляться на групи оптимістів, песимістів та визначають учня з нейтральною позицією) .
-         Take sheets of paper and write as many points as it is possible about benefits of travelling (for Optimists) and its bad sides ( for Pessimists). Be ready to present your ideas.
(Учні презентують ідеї, а учень з нейтральною точкою зору спостерігає і робить висновок).

ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку. Підсумки. Оцінювання. Домашнє завдання
write an essay “What is travelling for you?”

Travel. You’ll never regret. 
Travelling in the past was difficult and dangerous. There were no railway trains, motor cars and aeroplanes. Today travelling has become a pleasure.
Travelling can be educative. In Europe a young man is not considered fully educated unless he has travelled over the continent after leaving the college.
Travelling broadens our outlook and sympathies. If sympathy develops between the peoples of two countries, there will be no war between them. In this way travelling can reduce the fear of war.
If a person does not travel to other countries he remains a mere frog in the well. He gets no chance to communicate with foreigners and understand them properly.
When a person travels, everything appears strange to him. He learns to be a minute observer.
Travelling leaves us better informed. If we have seen a thing with our own eyes, it becomes easier to understand and remember.
Travelling satisfies our love for adventure. Some people undertake long tours on cycles, motor cycles and cars or even prefer alternative means of travelling. It satisfies their craving for thrill and adventure.

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